5 Ways to Incorporate Mental Health into Your Everyday Life

Blog Author By: camaliclinicdxb
5 Ways to Incorporate Mental Health into Everyday Life

There is finally an end to stigmas associated with the term mental health.

Until a few years back, people hesitated to seek professional mental health services. Now the tables have turned as people are more conscious of their psychological well-being and have become more vocal about their mental state.

It is essential to be mentally healthy for oneself and social interactions. Practicing healthy activities and exercises helps fight routine stress, distress or blue mood.

Follow the discussion below to boost your mental health and help individuals around you.

Why is Mental Health Important?

It is observed that people tend to seek mental help as soon as the clinicians suggest a psychological condition. These psychological abnormalities are expressed as patterns of functioning that are deviant, distressful, dysfunctional and occasionally dangerous. To avoid such situations, people have developed a positive attitude towards mental health and started to invest in their mental well-being.

But, first, you must learn why and how to improve your mental health.

A positive outlook toward life not only helps individuals in routine but also helps them lead a healthy life.

Mentally healthy individuals would:

  • Display positive characteristics in themselves
  • Understand their emotions and regulates accordingly
  • Have positive self-regard for oneself and others
  • Focus on their strengths and abilities
  • Have a greater tendency to experience pleasure and joy
  • Overcome their fears and fights negative thoughts
  • Experiences healthy balance of home, work and social life
  • Invests positively in relationships
  • Develop interest in routine activities and responsibilities
  • Are more welcoming to change and transformation
  • Feel physically healthy to work productively
  • Lead a focused life with a healthy mind and body

So, how to improve mental health to lead a successful life? Let us guide you through ways to incorporate mental health into your everyday life.

How to Improve Mental Health?

We often get caught in the debate about which techniques, activities and exercises help improve our mental health. It is not one-size-fits-all. Precisely, mental health is a subjective phenomenon. What works for one person might not be productive for the other. Therefore, curating a personal mental health routine is important. There are several ways to improve mental health in everyday life.

Mental health experts suggest certain activities that help individuals positively regulate their emotions and build a resilient attitude towards harsh pictures of life. So, let us dig into the effective ways to incorporate mental health.

Adopt Healthy Hobbies

There must be something you do that gives you extreme pleasure. That is your key to happiness. A healthy hobby could be cooking, doing yoga, morning walk, workout sessions, socializing, gardening or reading. When we adopt hobbies, it helps keep us on track and content in our everyday life. It motivates or incentivizes us to spend the day with a positive mindset. For instance, most people;

  • Dance to relieve stress, maintain a healthy weight or rejoice in themselves
  • Cook nutritious meals to feel a sense of achievement
  • Practices gardening to communicate with nature
  • Practices yoga to find inner peace in solace
  • Adopts morning or evening walk routine to keep body engaged
  • Does routine workout to improve cardiovascular strength
  • Reads books, novels or stories to relieve mental stress
  • Practices self-care to show love for own body and soul
  • Spend time with pets to relax and be happy
  • Do volunteer work as an act of kindness or compassion
  • Breathing exercises for improving mental health in the workplace

Physical Exercise

Can exercise improve your mental health? A healthy mind grows in a healthy body. Therefore, a person who wishes to lead a healthy life must be involved in routine physical activities. Physical exercise reduces tension in the body muscles and pushes the individual into a relaxed state of mind. For instance, a morning walk refreshes the mind, allowing the person to go about everyday life with a healthy mindset.

Still wondering how does exercise improve mental health? There are several benefits of physical activity on mental health, including:

  • Improved sleep
  • Stress-free mind
  • Improved stamina
  • Enhanced mindfulness
  • Improved physical health
  • Positive emotions
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Reduced anxiety


Meditation is an exercise that aligns your body with the mind. It not only takes an individual into a relaxed state but also builds mindfulness. Previously, meditation was considered a spiritual ritual. However, people now use this exercise for mental peace and to achieve a transcendental state.

Follow these easy steps to meditate in your daily routine.

  • Sit at a quiet place (maybe in greenery or a quiet room)
  • Get into a comfortable position (sitting, lying, or other positions)
  • Close your eyes, be calm and practice deep breathing
  • Practice imagery that soothes the mind and relieves all stress
  • Keep the focus on one thing or subject matter at a time
  • Let positive thoughts flow in the relaxed state of mind

Avoiding Social Media

Research has proved how social media impacts mental health. The growing depression in teens and adults has proved how social media is bad for mental health. Excessive screen time or consumption of harmful social media content affects individuals’ physical and psychological health. So it is important to have electronics-free time during the day. Clinicians suggest 30 minutes of social media per day. For a starter, you could begin with:

  • Cut down on usual scrolling by keeping the phone aside
  • Avoid being impressed by social media personalities
  • Delete social media applications to focus on leisure activities

Practicing Positive Self Affirmations

Psychologists suggest that it is beneficial to practice positive self-affirmations to focus on one’s strengths. Keeping a journal of positive phrases or reciting self-affirmations has proved to build self-confidence and positive self-esteem. Here’s a list of everyday self-affirmations:

  • I fully accept myself as I am
  • I forgive myself and everyone easily
  • I heal and strengthen myself every day
  • I am confident and self-sufficient
  • I am truly happy with my present

Point to Ponder

Being mentally healthy does not mean the absence of psychological disturbances. For instance, a mentally healthy person may face a stressful day at work or experience a setback. It is normal for people to go through any loss, resentment, sadness or anxiousness. However, individuals with sound mental health tend to push through tough times and become stronger. An unfortunate event or challenging situation would not affect a mentally strong person as much as a person with a disturbed mental state. Once the person has built resilience towards stressful life events, it is easier to cope with routine distress, anxiety or depression.

People with a resilient mindset better cope with difficult situations. They incorporate healthy activities, exercise, or adopt hobbies that keep their mind involved. It is also a source of healthy outlets for emotions. If you wish to take control of your mental health, then there are plenty of ways to feel more positive and energetic in life. When you develop a problem-solving attitude, it is easier to stay hopeful about life.

Final Thoughts

The tips mentioned above assist teens, adults, and the elderly in adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Visit Camali Clinic, the best mental health clinic in Dubai, to consult expert psychiatrists and therapists for your mental health concerns.